by Susan Denisi | Jul 1, 2024 | How To, AC, Air Conditioner, Blinds, Broken, Ceiling Fans, Cool, Cool Air, Exterior Doors, Summer, Warm Air, Windows
If your AC has suddenly broken down, you might feel like you’re melting under Ohio’s scorching summer sun. Hopefully, you’ve already called Lewis Center-Powell Heating & Air, as we offer 24-hour emergency services year-round. Our dedicated...
by Susan Denisi | Jun 1, 2023 | Temperature, AC, Air Conditioner, Cool Air, Degree, Energy Consumption, Fahrenheit, Smart Thermostat, Summer, Temperature Setting, Thermostat
Your AC has been working hard for a few weeks now. With summer having arrived, it will continue to work harder in the upcoming months. As a result, this may cause an increase in your energy bills. However, you can find an energy-efficient temperature level to keep...